Combined pipe tap and drill Pile Construction Technology with Dig, Clash and Bore Method in Rock Solute Ground 岩溶条件下的桩基采用挖、冲、钻相结合的施工技术
The utility model is composed of a common cooker body, a sleeve pipe, a heating wire, a temperature-controlling switch, a tap, a porcelain plate, etc. 本实用新型是由普通锅体、套管、电热丝、温控开关、抽头、瓷板等组成。
Then, the water is injected through the water inlet pipe ( 6). Stemming ( 11) is eliminated by the permeation of the water and the self pressure of tap water. 再通过进水管(6)注水,以水的渗透和自来水自身的压力将堵塞物(11)清除;
Combined taper pipe tap and core drill 扩孔钻和锥管丝锥复合刀具
Composite cubic boron nitride turning tool combined pipe tap and drill 立方氮化硼复合车刀管用钻孔攻丝复合刀具
Oil-water two-phase pipe flow experiment has been conducted on horizontal multiphase flow experiment loop, made of stainless steel pipe with 26. 1 inner-diameter and 30 m long, by using white oil and tap water as experimental medium. 利用白油和自来水作为实验介质,在内径为26.1mm、长约30m的水平不锈钢多相流实验环道上进行了油水两相流实验。
Galvanized steel pipe has been widely used as indoor tap water pipe. 镀锌钢普遍作为城市饮用水的室内给水管道。
Effect of Zinc Galvanized Steel Pipe on NO_2~-Content in Tap Water 镀锌管对饮用自来水中NO2~-含量的影响
The analysis of carrying and sealing capacity of thread-connection in center pipe of hydraulic tap 水龙头中心管螺纹连接承载能力与密封性能分析
The system can not only realize the leakage detection of low cost, city area, networking by GPRS network but also provide a emergency platform of tap water pipe network. The system has been used in practical tap water pipe network with excellent results. 该系统运用GPRS网络实现了低成本、高效率的城域化、网络化的管网泄漏检测,为城市供水管网的应急抢险提供了一个良好的平台,在实际使用中取得良好的效果。